Peace Lily, Book Two of The Katherine Wheel Series, #FREE for a short while

Grab your chance to get the sequel to Daffodils for free for a limited period!

Book Two of The Katherine Wheel Series

I’m really excited to announce that are hosting a promotion for Peace Lily for the first time and as Daffodils remains free for the moment, you can now get the first two books in The Katherine Wheel Series for absolutely nothing for the next few days! Even if you have read them, please let your friends know about this opportunity to get stuck into the saga of Jem and Katy, Cassandra and Douglas as they fight their way through the many challenges of World War One in Daffodils, only to face more in its aftermath in Peace Lily. The series now numbers six books in all and concludes with a pair of books designed to be read together, Woodbine and Ivy, as the next generation of Phipps and Smythes face more life-changing dramas in the Second World War.

Also, welcome to my new website at The Plotting Shed, hosted by WordPress. I was sad to say goodbye to my old familiar Blogger site but I’m happy to report that I’ve managed to retain the domain name and my new site offers many new toys for me to play with (once I get used to it!).

Meanwhile, I’ve been busy writing a new story, Triskele, which will be the sequel to The Rose Trail in the Spirit Level Series of ghostly tales. Fay and Percy, those slightly mad mismatched psychic detectives, embark on their first paid assignment on the Welsh island of Anglesey, once home to the Druids. It’s a complicated tale with connections to spirits who lived there over 2000 years ago but, as they investigate the weird happenings in a rock star’s studio, they discover startling revelations that resonate deeply with the challenges we all face in the 21st century. Hoping to publish Triskele this autumn and am now working on the second draft. Its publication will be announced here, of course.

Book Two in The Spirit Level Series, Triskele, coming soon!